School Visit Testimonials
“Charles has everything I look for in an author visit. Students are naturally attentive and focused during this lively and fun assembly! I confidently recommend Charles for an author/artist visit in any school and know that students and teachers alike will be pleased with his work and his performance.” – Cathy Gelman, Library Media Specialist, Somers Middle School, Somers, NY
“I have never seen more students in tune and captured from a presentation. We were so impressed with your creativity, ‘spunk’ and high energy!” –Ms. Percic, 7th & 8th Grade Language Arts teacher, Marrington Middle School
“We like how you used metaphors in your poetry and expressed your ideas. We think you were the best presenter we ever had!”
–Mrs. Opiela’s 4th Grade class, Birchwood School
“Thank you! I have received 6 e-mails so far from teachers and our principal letting me know how much they and their students enjoyed the presentations today!” – Joyce Lynch, Middle School of Plainville, Plainville, CT
“Charles was absolutely the best author visitor we have ever had!!! Our students and teachers are all a-buzz today, after experiencing the poetry fest with him yesterday. His presentations kept everyone on the edge of their seats and begging for more!”
– Canterbury School, Greensboro, NC
New Releases

Major Taylor: World Cycling Champion
Illustrated by Leo Espinosa
Published by Candlewick Press
“Writing in a rhythmic patter that sometimes sprints, sometimes properly evokes a sense of stubborn endurance in the face of utter exhaustion, Smith chronicles the course of an incredible six-day indoor race run by legendary cyclist Marshall “Major” Taylor in 1896: . . . poetic.”

Bessie the Motorcycle Queen
Illustrated by Charlot Kristensen
Published by Orchard Books/Scholastic
“A fast-flying starter biography, this tale of motorcycle queen Bessie Stringfield is ideal for fans of cars, travel, racing, and Black history. . . .Add this book to biography collections and look for ways to put it in the hands of readers interested in motorcycles as well as those seeking to learn about the Jim Crow era through a new lens.” – Booklist

Soccer Queens
Published by Candlewick Press
“Fast-footwork tributes to 13 female stars and one breakthrough team. . . Each entry is a rapid, staccato drive.”
—Kirkus Reviews